Monthly Session: Holiday Stress
This is the monthly episode of the St. Margaret Foundation Mindful Break - a free 30-minute video with instruction on mindfulness, relaxation practices, and a short meditation to help you revitalize your life.

In the video, learn mindful tips for getting through holiday stress, coping with grief, difficult relationships, and more.
Be prepared for difficult family members.
Process difficult emotions without the hurt.
Stop patterns that stress you.
Deal with missing someone.
Find joy and not be overwhelmed.
The Instructor: Mary Lee Gannon is the president of St. Margaret Foundation, a Certified Association Executive (CAE), International Coach Federation Certified Coach (ACC), a Professional Certified Coach graduate of Duquesne University, alumnus of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Practices Program and the Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital Coaching in Medicine & Leadership Conference, and scholarship recipient to the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute at Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership – created at Google. She has been teaching mindfulness and meditation for 10 years.
In addition, we offer a free downloadable tip sheet to keep in your kitchen this holiday season: Mindful Holiday Tip-Sheet for Dealing with Stress, Difficult Relatives, and Grief. This will help you be prepared to enjoy the holidays without the stress, overwhelm, drama and let-down. Learn how to remain calm without the hustle. Click below: