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President:  Patty Katz
President Elect/Secretary:  
Treasurer:  Claudia Brazet
Past President/Executive Board Member:  Carole Ford

Active Members:
Carolina Blazina
Sylvia Budhram
Nan Dotts
Iris Douglas
BJ Franks
Emilie Freese
Arlene Gordon
Beth Hardie
Gail Kephart
Beverly Killeen
Winifred Kramer

Shirley Lewellen

Deede McGough

Meloni Murph

Jean Pascarella

Sandy Ritchey

Mary Roehrich

Sheila Schmutz

Pat Severance

Laura Spisak

Cathy Stevens

Ann Thomas

Randi Vega

Katherine Vidakovich

Pat Yunker


Associate Members:

Susanne Knapp


Auxiliary of St. Margaret Foundation
815 Freeport Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15215


The Auxiliary of St. Margaret Foundation consists of Active and Associate members and four Officers – president, president-elect, recording and corresponding secretary, and treasurer. Committees include the Executive Committee, Chapel Committee, Fundraising Committee, Nominating Committee, Program/Education Committee, and Bylaws Committee. Regular monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (except in July and August). An annual meeting is held in June.

2024 Auxiliary

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