1. Patient Access
Patient Transportation to Fill in the Gaps for Under-Resourced Patients $210,000.00
2 Free Rides for Seniors Shuttles (Sharpsburg/Aspinwall/Blawnox and Etna/Tarentum/Hampton/Millvale) $118,000.00
Free Shuttle to Alle-Kiski Valley Area $90,500.00
Complimentary Valet Services for Patients with Disabilities $45,000.00
2. Patient Education
C.A.R.E. Channel: Relaxing Programing in Every Patient Room $2,900.00
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Community CPR Grant $2,100.00
Spiritual Care Resources for Patients $1,600.00
3. Patient Experience
Comfort and Recovery: Enhancing Post-Op Care with Recliners $109,200.00
Bed Fund to Help Under-Resourced Patients $92,000.00
Family Health Center Requests $28,722.60
Kathleen’s Cupboard Free Food Pantry $20,000.00
Free Flu Immunizations to the Underserved Elderly $17,205.76
Health Fair Screenings for the Underserved Communities $16,000.00
Family Emergency Fund $15,000.00
Comfort Items & Disability Resources for Patients $13,081.00
Appreciation Gifts for St. Margaret Employees $4,000.00
Adaptive Feeding Equipment Program $3,000.00
Hospital Flower Planting and Beautification in Courtyards and Rehab Patio $3,000.00
Gifts for Patients in the Hospital on Holidays Mother’s Day/Thanksgiving/Christmas $2,500.00
Teddy Bears for Patients $1,665.00
Volunteer Recognition Luncheon Gifts $2,000.00
Nursing Recognition: DAISY Scholarships $1,625.00
Code Lavender $500.00
Total granted $799,706.26