About St. Margaret Foundation
The Problem: In today's healthcare environment health insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid don't cover everything. This becomes tragic when a patient has limited resources and is now facing the most compromised time of their life. Our patients tell us that illness is scary enough without the worry of getting to their treatment or if they can get what they need to heal, stay well, and remain self-sufficient in their homes.
How You Can Help Fix It: Donors become the friend that eases the uncertainty and inaccessibility of what patients need by providing the necessary resources to fill in the gaps. St. Margaret Foundation has defined three key focus areas:
1) Patient Access;
2) Patient Education; and
3) Patient Experience-Independence.
We do not pay hospital or doctor costs. We provide vital items and transportation that slip through the cracks of managed care.
What Happens When You Fix It: People can go back to living their lives not the crisis.
Our Promise: We give our donors the comfort of knowing their donations are used frugally. We stretch the resources to go as far as possible.
The Mission: To be a valued source of support for UPMC St. Margaret and the health and wellness of the communities it serves.
The Vision: That UPMC St. Margaret patients will focus on healing, wellness and quality of life without the suffering that goes along with worrying about transportation, and the costs of essential medicine and medical items not covered by insurance. In doing so, sometimes St. Margaret employees, the providers of compassionate care, are in crisis and also need help. We will help them with essential needs too.